Policy, practice and organic matter

Farmerama podcast

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Resource explained

This Farmerama podcast (‘Farmerama 32: Post-fire update, Welsh new farmers policy, farming as practice & organic matter’) gives an update from Abby Rose’s farm in Chile a year after huge fires burned all their crops and we head to a farm in Wales to learn how planning legislation is opening doors for people wanting to produce and live sustainably. In the US we hear how one farmer is taking a philosophical approach to sharing the practice of farming and connecting to the land, and on British soil we hear from ADAS soil scientist Lizzie Sagoo about organic matter.

Findings & recommendations

  • In Wales, new farmer Jacqui Banks in Pembrokeshire talks about how she and her partner were able to setup their farm thanks to the One Planet Development planning policy which is opening doors for people wanting to produce, and live, sustainably. She explains why she feels the policy can be a catalyst for ecological farming and regenerative agriculture.
  • In the US, biodynamic farmer Zach Wolf talks about his philosophical approach to sharing the practice of farming and connecting to the land.
  • On British soil, soil scientist at ADAS, Lizzie Sagoo, talks about soil health and soil organic matter for different types of farms at the Agricology Field Day in January.

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Edited by:

Janie Caldbeck

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