Assessing the environmental impacts of alternative grazing management
Interesting research insights from Rothamsted Research based on a long-term grazing experiment that compares set-stocking with cell grazing
LEARN MOREInteresting research insights from Rothamsted Research based on a long-term grazing experiment that compares set-stocking with cell grazing
Short video of Nikki Yoxall on the power of native and rare breed cattle to be ecosystem engineers through Holistic Management
Footage of a Groundswell 2024 panel discussion organised by Agricology and The Allerton Project, with the panel and audience members sharing their experiences of growing cover crops.
How do you tackle the biggest problem facing arable farmers in the UK? This is video footage of a Groundswell 2024 session run by Agricology, borne out of a collaboration with ADAS and the Oper8 project.
A practical guide designed to help you make informed decisions and take necessary steps to protect people, nature and your business from ash dieback and other tree health issues.
This LEAF booklet based on the principles of Integrated Farm Management (IFM) highlights six simple steps to support the implementation of regenerative agricultural practices on farm.
A report on mini-ridgers - a highly effective weeding tool for controlling intrarow weeds through burial.
A revised new edition of this publication explaining the on-farm research carried out at the innovative and pioneering Wakelyns.
The Organic Grower Podcast is an OGA initiative which aims to be practical in focus, getting straight into the nitty-gritty of people’s growing practices and business operations.
Case study and video produced as part of the GREAT (Gloucestershire Regenerative Environment and Agriculture Transition) Project.
This Organic Research Centre webinar features two farmers talking about their experiences of living mulches in arable and horticulture systems.
A practical guide for farmers and growers wanting to get ahead of weeds when establishing pasture, arable and horticultural crops.
Soil Association Scotland webinar discussing how tree hay can be a valuable way to supplement winter forage and support livestock nutrition and welfare.
The final report of an Innovative Farmers field lab in South West England (supported by FWAG) on diverse forage crops, which was formed due to concerns over damage that using winter brassica monocultures for grazing outwintering livestock can have on soil health, water and the wider environment.
Four short films focusing on promoting sustainable agricultural practices being used on the Waddesdon Estate and beyond.
The Global Farm Metric framework is a common framework for all food and farming stakeholders to understand, measure and monitor farm-level sustainability.
Footage of agroforestry pioneer Stephen Briggs imparting some of his learnings from a now well-established commercial agroforestry system.
This guide from the Nature Friendly Farming Network covers the principles and practice of Integrated Pest Management with case studies and examples of actions.
Handy practical guide to establishing perennial wildflower areas, produced as part of the BEESPOKE project.
This Innovative Farmers webinar provides an update on research into perennial green manures and opportunities to get involved in a field lab.
Recording of an ORFC 2024 session where members of the Pasture for Life-led, five-year, Innovative Farmers field lab on bale grazing share their insights into their out-wintering strategies.
Session from 2024 Oxford Real Farming Conference featuring grower Iain Tolhurst (Tolly) and "biological nutrition" farmer Tim Parton discussing soil health at scale.
GWCT briefing from Allerton Project research on measures that can
reduce negative impacts on water quality and aquatic ecology,
and potentially reducing flood risk.