Ian Wilkinson
Author contributions
Mob Grazing Herbal Leys – Agricology Vlog September 2019
In this follow up to August's vlog on herbal leys by Ian Wilkinson, Ian (Farm Manager of Honeydale Farm & MD of Cotswold Seeds & Farm ED) discusses why they chose to mob graze sheep on herbal Leys inbetween planting their cash crops.
Herbal Leys – Agricology Vlog August 2019
In this short video, Ian Wilkinson (Farm Manager of Honeydale Farm & MD of Cotswold Seeds & FarmED) discusses why they chose deep rooting herbal leys to enhance soil fertility on their farm.
Companion crops are a farmer’s friend
Companion cropping can sometimes be a difficult term to define, but a learned fellow farmer, Andy Howard, describes it as growing two or more crops together, and that’s a definition I like, because it means diversity within plant species (which I firmly believe in), encompassing complex herbal leys and cover crops.