English Farmers wanted, to test advice and guidance for agroforestry in ELM
Considering Implementing Agroforestry on Your Farm? Help the Woodland Trust test different forms of advice and guidance for Defra.
The Woodland Trust is leading the delivery of an Agroforestry ELM Test funded by Defra. The aim is to test a range of advice and guidance structures with farmers as they go through the process of designing and then applying for funding for their own bespoke agroforestry scheme.
There’s no cost to participate in the Test and you will receive payment as a contribution for your time
By getting involved in this test you will have an opportunity to help influence the design of the advice and guidance provision via the environmental land management schemes. Tests include the outcomes of different forms of advice provision such as an adviser visiting your farm, or via training courses in person or on-line, or self-led. Once you have been through the test process you will be given an opportunity to receive free tailored advice or guidance on designing an agroforestry system for your farm and support for applying for funding to implement it.
If you are interested in getting involved, please email plant@woodlandtrust.org.uk with a subject of ‘Defra Test and Trial’ and include:- Details of your farm size
- Location and type of farm
- A brief outline of the type of agroforestry you are interested in
- Summary of your agroforestry experience to date.
- Contact details
The Woodland Trust will then contact you to discuss the Test in more detail. The Test is being delivered in partnership with the National Trust and the Organic Research Centre. Third party advice providers will also be commissioned.
To find out more on agroforestry, visit https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/plant-trees/trees-for-landowners-and-farmers/