
Croft (North) Open Day

Date : 2nd July 2024 | 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Venue : Croft Farms, Jolby Lane, Croft on Tees, Darlington, DL2 2TF

The Croft Open Day is kindly hosted by Croft Farms, in partnership with NIAB and Argrain.

Showcasing the latest arable advice and research from UK agri-businesses, breeders, manufacturers and research organisations at the forefront of agri-tech innovation and technology, research and commercial enterprise. Free to attend, the event features a mix of exhibits and field-based demonstrations that enable attendees to interact with leading industry experts, alongside, and new for 2024, a programme of indoor technical seminars from leading specialist on agronomy and business topics.


  • 9.30am Registration and farmyard exhibits open
  • 10.15am NIAB field demonstration tours start
  • 12.00-1.30pm Hog roast lunch
  • 3.00pm Final field tour starts
  • 4.00pm Event closes

Tour groups start from farmyard at regular intervals from 10.15am through to 3.00pm. Allow two hours for full NIAB tour.


Access NIAB’s latest agronomy and soils research and demonstrations at Croft Farms, alongside impartial variety and agronomy advice from our regional agronomy team and crop specialists, and include:

  • Winter wheat varieties – Clare Leaman & Ian Midgley
  • Cereal disease management – Aoife O’Driscoll & Andrew Watson
  • Down the soil hole – soil management and rotations – Elizabeth Stockdale & Joe Martlew
  • Alternative crops, including cover, fibre and biomass crops plus herbal leys – Lydia Smith & Jasmine Toole

Allow two hours for the full field plots tour

Additional field stops:

  • Barley varieties – AHDB

Additional static exhibits and posters will cover wheat blends, winter oilseed rape varieties, protein and alternative break crops and plant pathology. Plus find out more about NIAB Agronomy Membership services with Patrick Stephenson, talk to our farm business consultant Greg Crawford about your farm options post-transition, pick-up information on NIAB’s  analytical services, and browse our selection of online and face-to-face agronomy and business training courses.

BASIS and NRoSO points applied for


New for 2024! A programme of indoor technical agronomy and business seminars, free and open to all. Information and booking will be available in late spring 2024.


A range of agricultural businesses including grain merchants and event partner Argrain, alongside machinery, agrochemical and fertiliser manufacturers and distributors, rural professionals, agritech SMEs and research and education organisations.

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