Do you grow or advise on cover crops or catch crops?
Tell us how you make nutrient management planning decisions following catch or cover crops
As part of the new Cover crop decision support tool (DST) scoping project funded by AHDB, Anglian Water, Wessex Water and Southern Water, ADAS with Compass Agronomy are carrying out a survey to understand nutrient management planning decisions following cover (or catch) crops.
This survey is for all farmers and agronomists currently growing (or providing advice on) cover crops. We would like to understand how (or if) farmers and agronomists currently account for nutrient availability from cover or catch crops to the following crop.
Nutrient supply mainly concerns nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), but can include other nutrients.
The results of the survey will be very beneficial to the agricultural industry, and will be used to help understand what farmers and agronomists would be looking for in a decision support tool to help with nutrient management planning for the following crop.
Findings from the survey will be presented at an online workshop to be held in April. If you would like to attend, please register your interest at the end of the survey.
For any queries about the Cover crop decision support tool (DST) scoping project, please contact ADAS Principal Research Scientist Kate Smith:
The survey takes around 10 minutes to complete and is open until 31 March. Click here to complete the survey