Agricology Open Day
Last November we launched Agricology – an online and in-field platform offering practical information and advice for farmers about sustainable British agriculture. It is a fantastic, much needed initiative and I am very proud to be a founding trustee.
Over the past five months the website has grown into an interactive, online resource centre, brought to life by a regular stream of industry news, educational resources, inspirational farmer profiles, blog posts and a monthly video diary of agriculture at Daylesford provided by Richard Smith, our farm manager.
It gives me great pleasure to announce that this summer we shall be holding our first Agricology Open Day at the farm. Taking place from 9.30am – 4.30pm on Tuesday 28th June, the day will be an opportunity to share our agriculture, horticulture and farmshop enterprises at Daylesford with like-minded landowners, farmers and growers from the UK.
The morning session will look at our dairy, renewable energy and market garden, followed by lunch, before splitting into two parallel sessions for the afternoon:
The first group will board trailers with our Senior Farms Manager Richard Smith for an afternoon tour of our beef and sheep, poultry, cereals, leys, wildlife habitats and food production facilities.
The second group of guests will be led by our Market Garden Manager Jez Taylor for a knowledge exchange and deeper examination of fruit, vegetable and salad production.
A number of visiting Agricology partners and experts will also be speaking on the day, providing additional perspective on the latest in practical, sustainable agriculture. The day will end with an overview of the farmshop operations.
It should be an informative and enlightening day and I hope will help us all work together for the long term benefit of the soil, the pollinators and the wider natural environment.