Northern Farming Hub: cover crops
The Northern Farming Hub is a new collaboration between Catchment Sensitive Farming, The University of Leeds and Niab to bring the very best speakers to north-east England. The project will evolve over time, covering a wide range of topics that will be guided by attendees. The event format is informal, with discussions are encouraged and different opinions welcome.
Two further events will be run during Spring 2025 – 12th March and 30th April. Details of these events will be published shortly.
BASIS and NRoSO CPD points applied for
9.30: Arrival, refreshments
9.45: Welcome and introduction to Northern Farming Hub – Mark Taylor (Catchment Sensitive Farming), Pippa Chapman (University of Leeds) and Joe Martlew (Niab).
10.00: RegenAg project tour to discuss cover crops – Ruth Wade (University of Leeds), Alicia Martin (Kings Crops), Mark Taylor (Catchment Sensitive Farming) and David Purdy (David Purdy Soils)
11.15: Return to Headley Hall
11.30: Cover crop trials – David Purdy (David Purdy Soils)
12.00: SFI options for cover crops – Greg Crawford (Niab)