The Organic Growers Gathering 2025
The Organic Growers Gathering is for small scale fruit, vegetable, herb and flower growers to land workers, crafters and purveyors of folk music.
The Organic Growers Gathering is organised by growers for growers. From small scale fruit, vegetable, herb and flower growers to land workers, crafters and purveyors of folk music. Whether you’re a master of the soil or a new entrant gaining experience seeding your ideas, there is something here for everyone.
We gather to network, skill share, build community, discover and learn. Expect lots of practical sessions, workshops, break out spaces for skill sharing and networking. As well as organic vegan food, live music, sauna and wellbeing.
The gathering is hosted at Hardwick Estate (South Oxfordshire) by many of the projects that share this land, including Hempen Organic Co-op, Court Hill, Path Hill Outdoors, Path Hill farm and Tolhurst Organic CIC one of the longest running organic farms in the UK renowned for pioneering, ethical stock free organic standards.