Understanding SFI workshop: Integrated Pest Management
Duchy College in partnership with Cornish Mutual have developed a range of Sustainable Farming Incentives (SFI) specific workshops providing practical advice and support on key farming schemes to optimise your farm management and secure available funding.
This workshop with Anthony Ellis provides a comprehensive overview of IPM principles, emphasising sustainable and effective pest control strategies.
The workshop covers the three pillars of IPM—prevention, monitoring, and intervention—alongside the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the Cornish agricultural context. Participants will explore the balance between managing pest risks and optimising costs, while leveraging the advantages of Cornwall’s diverse landscape.
Through real-world case studies, the course examines specific pest management scenarios, such as tackling Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV), Septoria, and slug infestations. These case studies delve into the costs, alternative strategies, soil health, plant nutrition, and effective use of plant protection products, with examples from local farms like Riviera Produce and Pensipple Farm. Practical insights on techniques like minimum tillage, use of biocontrols, and Sustainable Farming Incentives (SFI) highlight the benefits of integrating IPM practices.