Demonstrating the habitat management & conservation techniques that have increased farmland birds & biodiversity at Peppering Farm

Agricology is delighted to offer a tour of Peppering Farm – for farmers and farm advisors in the county of Sussex – to explore the three pillars of successful farmland bird conservation: Habitat, Food Source, and Predation Control. Limited places available. Please register early.
In partnership with Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust and by kind permission of the Duke of Norfolk, this tour will be hosted by Charlie Mellor, estate gamekeeper. It will provide an opportunity to discuss learnings on how food production and conservation successfully co-exist at Peppering Farm, and the positive impact their farm management approach and practices have had on grey partridge and other farmland bird populations.
Event programme
10.30am Arrival & welcome
10.35am Introduction to farmland bird conservation
11.00am Tour of Peppering Farm
12.30pm Question time
1.00pm Refreshments
2.00pm Close & depart
This is a working farm tour, please wear sturdy, waterproof footwear and dress for the weather on the day. Transport will be provided for the tour, but be prepared to walk at certain points. We also suggest bringing binoculars if you have them.
Please note: As this is the nesting season, NO DOGS are allowed at this event.
This event is generously supported by the Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust. The wider publication of knowledge shared has been generously supported by The Lawson Trust.