
Virtual Field Day: Intercropping in Arable Systems 2020

Date : 7th May 2020
Venue : Online Event - Webinar

Intercropping in arable systems 

Intercropping offers the potential for more efficient resource utilisation, reducing pest and disease pressure and better competition with weeds. Members of the Innovative Farmers Field Lab on Intercropping in Arable systems have been experimenting with a range of intercropping and companion cropped mixtures on their farms.

David Casebow, at Sonning Farm (Crops Research Unit of Reading University), will take us on a ‘virtual farm tour’ of the trials at Sonning and share some insights from previous years. See a taster of David’s trials from last year here. Other farmers and researchers in the group will also share their experiences from on farm trials including Nuffield Scholar Andy Howard (Bockhanger Farms).

As a virtual alternative to the Field Lab meeting there will be an opportunity for all to share their own experiences, practical insights and questions in an informal discussion.

This online session will last 1.5 hours with an opportunity for more discussion and a general chin wag afterwards. Hope to see you there!

How do I join?

1. Register here to book your free place  

2. We will send details and instructions to those registered before the event. It will be hosted as a meeting on the web platform Zoom. You can join in 2 ways:

  • On a laptop or mobile using the free to use Zoom platform which will enable video and chat function
  • Dial in from any landline or mobile to the call – but will not be able to see video or join in the chat

Don’t worry, it’s relatively simple! 🙂 If you have any questions email enquiries@agricology.co.uk

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