Organic Research Centre
ORC is the UK’s leading research centre for the development of organic, agroecological food production and land management solutions to key global issues including climate change, soil and biodiversity conservation and food security.
Organic Research CentrePartner Contributions
Wakelyns Agroforestry: Resilience through diversity
A revised new edition of this publication explaining the on-farm research carried out at the innovative and pioneering Wakelyns.
‘Down to Earth’ on the Waddesdon Estate
Four short films focusing on promoting sustainable agricultural practices being used on the Waddesdon Estate and beyond.
Alternative weed control solutions – an EU project
Blog Post
Oper8 is a three year EU horizon project bringing together farmers, researchers and academics to share alternative weed control solutions.
Alternative weed control – National Workshop
ADAS and The Organic Research Centre are hosting a workshop to evaluate alternative weed control solutions for arable and field vegetable production
Looking for a tool to help you gauge your farm sustainability? Look no further…
Blog Post
ORC's Christian Gossel describes the new version of the farm sustainability Public Goods Tool and invites farmers to try it out and share with others...
Building a sustainable food system in an ever-changing world
Blog Post
Agricology's Farm Engagement Officer Matt Smee reflects on his experience of the ORFC (2023) and its contribution to helping build a resilient, equitable and sustainable farming system...
Living Mulches Final Report
The final report for Innovative Farmers field lab trials which aimed to determine the impacts of living mulches on cash crop yields and weed composition.
Building Agricology for the Future
Blog Post
"...The strength of Agricology is that it promotes practical, sustainable farming regardless of labels through its network of partner organisations. Together we can build more diverse, resilient systems, working with nature to help restore the land and ecosystems and ensure a secure supply of food..."
The potential of biofumigation to control soil borne pests, pathogens and weeds
A DiverIMPACTS practice abstract exploring the practicalities of applying the technique of biofumigation to help with pest and weed control.
The Basics of Soil Fertility
FiBL booklet offering a view on soil fertility from different angles to stimulate new thinking about a sustainable relationship to the soil.
Are you a northern farmer looking for ways to do things differently?
Blog Post
ORC's Charlotte Bickler shares some of the opportunities available for farmers in the north of England and Scotland...
Including diverse leys in arable rotations
Practice abstract created as part of the DiverIMPACTS project outlining some of the many advantages to more complex mixtures of leguminous leys and some of the challenges and key practical considerations.