Niels Corfield
Author contributions
Making your soil rain-ready (part 2): Time to look ahead
Niels Corfield discusses some techniques and frameworks for improving soil health in pasture - all these practices are routes to increased soil aggregation and as such their success can be evidenced by observing/recording this factor (take your spade into the pasture).
Making your soil rain-ready (part 1): Skywatchers, it’s time to look down
Niels Corfield discusses variations in soil structure and the impact this can have on water retention, microbial activity, and the health and productivity of animals grazing these grasslands.
EURAF: Celebrating agroforestry research in Europe
In late May 250 delegates from as far away as China and Brazil, with a large contingent from France and Europe, gathered in Montpelier for the 2016 European Agroforestry Conference (EURAF). Research, practices and experiences were shared from academics and managers alike over a two day conference and one day tour. The conference began with an inspiring opening talk by Mark Shepard from Wisconsin USA, only briefly over-shadowed by the presence and address by Stephane Le Foll, the French Minister of Agriculture and an advocate of agroforestry.