Future opportunities for precision non-chemical weed management

The future of agroecological weed management

Resource explained

Footage recorded at the Oxford Real Farming Conference (ORFC) 2020 session on ‘The future of agroecological weed management.’ Nicola Cannon, Associate Professor of Agriculture at the Royal Agricultural University, delves into the role of technology and the latest innovations for non-chemical weed control, exploring the challenges and trade-offs…

Findings & recommendations

  • Nicola talks about research which includes looking at:
    • Mechanical weeding, site specific options, and non chemical ways to get rid of weeds
    • Robot-assisted intra row weeding in row crops  – some of the pitfalls and advantages
    • Types of precision tractors and implements and what they need to have
    • High definition weed mapping and site specific mapping
    • Drone and satellite imaging to understand how weeds emerge over time – recoding information on nutrient stress, temperature stress, changes in leaf patterns etc.
  • Currently the most important method to control intra row weeds is to have a competitive crop. Row width is very important. Weed harrowing is also an important method – the crop needs to be more firmly anchored than the weeds to get really good control and give the crop a competitive advantage.



Summary provided by:

Janie Caldbeck

Associated Agricology Partner Organisation(s):

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