Plant Teams for the Future: Intercropping in Research & In Practice
- Andy Howard, Bockhanger Farms
Resource explained
Growing crops together presents opportunities for enhancing the resource use efficiency and resilience of cropping systems. This is video footage filmed at the Oxford Real Farming Conference (ORFC) 2019 that formed part of the session that explored the potential of ‘plant teams’ in theory and practice, and shared some of the practical findings from the Innovative Farmers/DIVERSify field Lab. Andy Howard of Bockhanger Farms explains that his overall aim on the farm is to reduce inputs dramatically through using agroecological processes and using no till, cover crops and intercropping will hopefully be good tools to help do that. He explains what was planted on the farm last season and some of the trials and tribulations experienced, and what he is planting this season and the reasons for doing so.
Findings & recommendations
View more video footage recorded at the ORFC here.