What Is Biodynamics?

Discover more about biodynamics and find links to useful resources.

Resource explained

This page from the North American Biodynamic Association explains the background and theory behind Biodynamics. Although aimed at readers in the USA, it contains useful and relevant information for UK producers on the concepts and principles of biodynamics. The page includes links to: 8 ways to learn about biodynamics; an introduction to biodynamics, the science behind biodynamics and other useful resources.

Findings & recommendations

  • Biodynamics is a holistic, ecological and ethical approach to farming, gardening, food and nutrition.
  • The approach was developed by Dr Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian writer, educator and social activist, in the early 1920s.
  • Biodynamic farmers strive to create diversified, balanced farm ecosystems which generate health and fertility from within the farm system.
  • Fermented manure, minerals and herbs are used to make preparations which help enhance the health of compost, soil and the resulting produce.
  • Consideration is given to the influences of the wider cosmos on soil, plant and animal health.
  • The triple bottom line approach (ecological, social and economic sustainability) is an important part of biodynamic initiatives.

Related articles

Biodynamic Association website

An introduction to the Biodynamic approach to farming and gardening.

Biodynamic preparations

Biodynamic Association guidelines that describe the use of compost and spray preparations that help form the basis of biodynamic practice. 


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