Homoeopathy at Wellie Level

About HAWL

Resource explained

This is a page of the website that gives you information about Homoeopathy at Wellie Level (HAWL); a company that was established to offer farmers qualified and unbiased information about agricultural homoeopathy. You can find information about the courses they offer on the website but it also is intended to offer general information to anyone who wants to know more about homoeopathy use on farm animals. This page provides some background as to how and why HAWL began, what HAWL can offer farmers who want to learn more, and some details about aims of the HAWL courses. From here you can also access information on research undertaken into agricultural homoeopathy (which includes links to both peer reviewed and unpublished studies), and a section entitled ‘Farm Homoeopathy’ that provides links to some other useful websites and describes some of the homoeopathic techniques deployed by farmers including using nosodes against specific diseases.

Findings & recommendations

  • The website states that the aim of the HAWL courses is to empower farmers to make decisions about using homoeopathy to improve herd and flock health responsibly and effectively. The courses are designed to help farmers use homoeopathy as an additional tool within the farm management strategy.
  • It is explained that HAWL teaches Classical Methodology; teaching the use of single remedies and the reasons for their choice by symptom rather than disease diagnosis. HAWL has to date taught 300 farmers how to use homoeopathy as a tool to help improve animal health and to be able to take immediate action in different situations.
  • HAWL was formed in 2001 by a group of homoeopaths, homoeopathic vets, agriculturalists and teachers who wanted to improve the support offered to farmers. It was in response particularly to farmers who wanted to reduce their antibiotic usage and find additional ways of improving farm animal health.
  • In addition to the courses, the company have written several books, created teaching manuals and audio tapes, liaised with and visited farm homoeopaths all over the world and collated research about farm homoeopathy to help improve understanding about what is a little researched or recorded subject.

View the website here or via the ‘View the resource button.’

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