
Virtual Field Day: Multispecies Leys

Date : 21st May, 2020 10:30 am
Venue : Online Event - Webinar

This virtual event is part 1 of a 2 part series in a collaboration between Agricology, FABulous Farmers, Duchy College, AgriTech Cornwall, FWAGSW and Rothamsted Research.  

Multispecies leys combine complementary grass, legume and herb species. A more diverse sward can provide greater resilience to climate extremes, benefits for animal health, soil quality and biodiversity. Learning about multispecies leys is a work in progress and this two part series will provide opportunity to share the latest findings and practical experiences. Join farmers, advisors and researchers in the virtual field to share ideas and experiences. Join one or both!

Field day 1 – Introduction and establishing multispecies leys – 21st May

We will explore the practicalities around seed selection, establishment, management and benefits of multispecies leys, bringing together insights from farmers and researchers.  

Key topics will include:

  • Species selection and mixtures 
  • Stewardship options 
  • Establishment and seed bed preparation
  • Weed control and management
  • Soil health / Carbon

This will be a 1.5 hour online discussion with contributions from: Farmers experimenting with multispecies leys, Becky Willson / Hannah Jones, Duchy College, Becky Hughes, FWAGSW, Deb Beaumont and Kate LeCoq, Rothamsted. 

There will be time for questions and general discussion on practicalities and benefits for animal health, feed quality and resilience to climatic extremes etc. There will also be an opportunity for those who already have multi-species leys to share photos for a rapid analysis of species composition by a researcher – providing some useful insights on the day. This event is timed to tie in before the deadline to apply for Coutryside Stewardship application packs. 

How do I join?

1. Register here to book your free place  

2. We will send details and instructions to those registered before the event. It will be hosted as a meeting on the web platform Zoom. You can join in 2 ways:

  • On a laptop or mobile using the free to use Zoom platform which will enable video and chat function
  • Dial in from any landline or mobile to the call – but will not be able to see video or join in the chat

Don’t worry, it’s relatively simple! 🙂 If you have any questions email enquiries@agricology.co.uk


See information about the second virtual field day here.

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