
Alternatives to Anthelmintics: Natural methods of worm control in sheep

Date : 11th June, 2020 8:30 am
Venue : Online event - Webinar

Soil Association Scotland webinar.

Are you experiencing resistance to anthelmintics in your sheep? Would you like to reduce their use?

Join us online with experts Spiridoula Athanasiadou and Caroline Chylinski of Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) to discuss:

  • Grazing sheep on heather
  • Adding naturally occurring fungi (Duddingtonia flagrans) to feed
  • Benefits and challenges of alternative approaches
  • Trial results: impact on animal health and welfare
  • Invitation to be part of upcoming trials

FREE and open to all. Book online.

For more information contact Ana on 0793 082 4983 (aallamand@soilassociation.org
or Jane on 0131 370 8150 (jdingwall@soilassociation.org)


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