Multi-species Herbal Ley Management – Launceston
Free Multi-species Herbal Ley Management Workshop and Farm Walk events in Cornwall this September
ADAS National Grassland Adviser and agronomist Tim Martyn and ADAS agricultural consultant and farmer Matthew Turner will run two free workshops for farmers on how to successfully incorporate multi-species herbal leys into grassland system. The first session will be held on Tuesday, 10 September at Lower Northcott, Launceston, Cornwall PL15 9RQ. The session will be repeated on Wednesday 11 September at Ennis Barton, Fraddon, Cornwall TR9 6EY. Both sessions will run from 10-2.

Key topics that will be covered on the day include:
- species choice for different situations
- guidance on methods of establishment
- how grazing/cutting management needs to be tailored to make the most of the ley
These workshops will also include awalk around the host farm to view an established herbal ley. ADAS will be accompanied by the host farmer who will share their practical, real world experience of multi-species swards and herbal ley establishment and management.
As part of the walk, we will specifically discuss:
- Soil health benefits of grassland and avoiding soil damage
- Soil nutrient considerations
- Animal health benefits and problems of multi-species / herbal leys
- Grazing/cutting management of grass, grass and clover, multi-species / herbal leys
- Livestock production from grass, grass and clover, multi-species / herbal leys
BASIS and NRoSO points will be available and lunch will be provided.