Duchy College
Duchy College is a leading land-based college at the heart of rural education and training in Devon and Cornwall. The college provides a top quality standard of education with a comprehensive range of qualifications available up to degree level.
Duchy CollegePartner Contributions
Herbal Leys Virtual Field Day: Parts 1 & 2
This is part 1 and 2 of a collaborative 2-part series of virtual events exploring establishment, management, soil health, grazing and ensiling in relation to herbal leys.
The importance of soil health, learnings from a Nuffield adventure
Blog Post
There is a growing recognition that in order to reduce high levels of atmospheric carbon we need not just to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also sequester atmospheric carbon in the soil. Soils are a huge asset, as they can sequester vast amounts of carbon. How to maximise the levels of carbon sequestration within the […]
Novel vegetables: Observations on growing a range of tropical crops
Interested in diversifying? Perhaps growing some tropical crops? This report provides some useful insights from some trials run in West Cornwall.
Diffuse water pollution, GHGs and ammonia emissions
Identify where and how you can make changes on your farm to help reduce diffuse water and air pollution and GHGs.
Using green waste compost as a soil management tool
A grower’s experience and insights on using green waste compost within a rotational farming system to improve soil structure.
Improving efficiency, profitability and sustainability through reducing farm emissions
Blog Post
In the general stresses that surround farming including making day-to-day business decisions, not annoying the Rural Payments Agency, looking after stock and crops, managing staff, and coping with the weather, worrying about what your carbon footprint is and how it affects your business does not seem immediately relevant! Recent research from Defra suggests that “Many […]
Farm Health Online – A New Repository of Good Practice
Blog Post
Animal health & welfare: do we have the right tools for the job? Most of us know that the ever increasing public demand for the highest standards of animal welfare and the massive threat of antimicrobial resistance, not to mention the other potential environmental and public health concerns, requires a new emphasis on the way […]
This knowledge hub for livestock farmers and advisors will enable proactive animal health and welfare planning and help with decision-making.
Fertility Building
Using legumes and farming practices to maximise on free nitrogen (N); improve N availability, increase the amount fixed, minimise losses.
Nutrient Wise Demos
Farmer focused guidance on managing nutrients on your farm, with information on trials run through the Nutrient Wise project.
Manure use efficiency
A SWARM Hub webpage to help you maximise on available nutrients in organic manures, make savings and reduce environmental losses.
The Farm Crap App Pro
Duchy College and Rothamsted Research’s mobile manure management app; find out how you can use it and access the app from this webpage.