IOTA is a professional body for UK and Irish trainers, advisers and other extension workers involved in organic food and farming. IOTA supports advisers and trainers with accreditation, training, information, conferences and advisory tools. A database of experienced accredited advisors is available on the IOTA website.
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Partner Contributions

Base Cation Saturation Ratio (Albrecht) soil analysis – what is in it for you?
Blog Post
Mark Measures discusses how soil analysis is perhaps essential management tool in organic and agroecological farming

Soil management
Blog Post
Mark Measures highlights the importance of quality soil, the challenges facing farmers, and the lack of reliable information surrounding organic solutions, and the urgent need in the UK to bring international experience, research, and farmer knowledge to the forefront in the development of improved food and farming systems.

Organic Beef and Sheep Nutrition
An excellent review of beef and sheep nutritional research, providing practical recommendations for pasture-based livestock producers.
Poultry Management
Research providing insights into breeding, rearing, housing, health and disease, medication and nutrition of poultry managed organically.
A Guide to Nutrient Budgeting on Organic Farms
Everything you may need to know about basic nutrient budgeting and valuable insights into how using them can benefit your farm.
Compost: The Effect on Nutrients, Soil Health and Crop Production
Practical guidance to inform your use and management of compost, using it to its full potential to improve soil properties and crop yields.
Combinable protein crop production
Research providing practical information on the function and use of grain legumes and ways they can be managed in organic farming systems.
Fertility building leys
Guidance on legume species characteristics and management to help you formulate your own seed mixtures, based on Legume LINK research.
Managing phosphorus dynamics in organic rotations
Practical recommendations for improving soil phosphate (P) availability for your crops; maintaining levels and maximising on P inputs.
Soil Analysis and Management
Improving and managing soil fertility in organic farming systems though soil analysis; what you need to know and how you can do it.
Sowing and Management of Multi-species Leys to Encourage Pollinators
Guidance on selecting species and managing leys to benefit pollinators, linking to the LegLink project and Countryside Stewardship options.