Natural England
Natural England is the government’s adviser for the natural environment in England. We are here to secure a healthy natural environment for people to enjoy, where wildlife is protected and England’s traditional landscapes are safeguarded for future generations.
Natural EnglandPartner Contributions

Wildlife-friendly farming increases crop yield: evidence for ecological intensification
Research that looked at the effects of creating wildlife-friendly habitats in less productive areas of fields on a conventional arable farm.

Farmer clusters: why they’re a good recipe to protect soil, water and wildlife
Blog Post
Jessica Brooks discusses the benefits farmer clusters offer to the natural environment, farm businesses, and trigger widespread engagement with communities.

Invertebrate conservation
Research highlights and useful information on encouraging invertebrates on farmland.
Managing for mammals
From harvest mice to hares, practical conservation advice for some of farmland’s best known mammals.
Uncropped habitats for farmland wildlife
Useful information and research highlights on managing uncropped habitats for farmland wildlife.
Plant conservation on farmland
Information and advice on wild plant conservation on farmland.
Amphibians and reptiles on farmland
Find out about amphibians and reptiles and how you can help these fascinating yet declining animals on the farm.
Water and wildlife
Find out about the wildlife of ponds, ditches, rivers and streams on the farm and some tips on habitat management.
How to conserve wildlife on working farms
Blog Post
'Wildlife and Farming: Managing for Nature on Lowland Farms' is a practical handbook, providing information and advice to practical people.
Landscape-scale conservation
Insights into landscape-scale approaches for wildlife conservation on farmland, and case studies from WildCRU’s research.
Farmland bird conservation
How to help provide the “big three” for farmland birds: safe nesting habitat, summer food and winter food.
Biodiversity in crops and grassland
Practical information on encouraging biodiversity in productive fields.