Rachel Lewis
I have always had a great passion for nature and growing up in rural Oxfordshire gave me plenty to be inspired by. In 2012 I attended Aberystwyth University and graduated in 2015 with a 1st in Ecology. It was during this course that I became particularly interested in the relationship between agriculture and the environment.
After graduating, I began an internship with the National Trust on the south coast of Devon, working as a practical ranger. I gained a lot of hands on skills and thoroughly enjoyed working in such a beautiful part of the country with a great team.
In June 2016 I began a conservation traineeship with BBOWT based at Chimney Meadows. The reserve is managed as a farm with the main focus being hay crops from the meadows to encourage a diverse sward of wild flowers. In addition to my traineeship, I am now the latest member of the Agricology team – working as communication assistant. Based at Daylesford Organic Farm, with frequent trips to the Organic Research Centre, I am thoroughly enjoying the start of my job. The people are friendly and enthusiastic and all have a passion for sustainable farming and protecting the environment.