Richard Smith
Senior Farms Manager
I grew up on a large mixed farm in Northamptonshire. My grandfather, originally from the North of England, was a shepherd. He was an important role model, and from a very early age I aspired to be a great stockman. After leaving school, I lived and worked with my uncle who farms in the Cheviot Hills, Northumberland. It was here that my passion for quality livestock breeding first manifested.
I then shepherded in Cornwall where the systems were intensive and utilised high inputs, a complete contrast for me. In 1992 I emigrated to New Zealand where I worked on a very large sheep and beef station. Later I took on my own share farm agreement on the Kapiti Coast, farming sheep and cattle. After returning from New Zealand in 1999 I became Estate Manager for the Sundial Group in Northamptonshire, producing high quality meat for five star kitchens. In 2002 I took up the post of Farm Manager for FAI (Food Animal Initiative) at Oxford University Farms. In 2005 I had the great pleasure of meeting Carole Bamford and I have worked closely with her at Daylesford for 10 years.
Having experienced various approaches to farming, it became pretty obvious to me that a more sustainable form of farming and food production is needed. I believe strongly in diverse farming systems as opposed to monocultures. Sustainability is all about diversity. British agriculture and livestock are my passions and I enjoy passing on my knowledge and experiences. I have been interested in the training of working sheep dogs for 30 years and have had some wonderful dogs. In 2014 and 2015 my dog Glen qualified to run for England at the International Championships.