Hedgerows, Lleyns & lambing
- In our March video blog Richard Smith introduces us to the commercial flock of Lleyn ewes he manages at Daylesford Organic Farm.
- This month Agricology featured a blog by Natural England providing information about a new Countryside Stewardship grant to help farmers restore their hedgerows and boundaries. The blog links to useful technical resources from the Woodland Trust and others.
- Lambing started this month at Daylesford, although the majority start in April there are 250 pedigree ewes that lamb a month early. The flock have scanned well this year, so a good lambing season is anticipated.
- Lleyn are the chosen breed of commercial ewe at Daylesford, due to their medium size and feed requirements and production comparable with other breeds.
- Ewes are fed on high quality home grown forage in the run-up to lambing: milling wheat, barley and oats with a TMR ration fed on a daily basis.
- Lleyn’s have been beneficial for the Daylesford organic system and have enabled the establishment of a closed flock. They produce a 20-22kg carcase (R3L grade).
- A percentage of ewes are crossed with Ryeland rams, producing high quality fat lambs (U3L grade).
- 100% of lambs are finished on forage based diets, even in the winter.
- Other resources this month include summaries of research by Newcastle University outlining the nutritional benefits of organic meat, dairy and crops.
The information contained above reflects the views of the author/s and does not necessarily reflect that of Agricology and its partners.
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