Modern (inter) row-hoes – the Swiss army knife of mechanical weeders
A report on the use of ‘row hoes’ — what used to be called inter-row hoes / cultivators.
LEARN MOREA report on the use of ‘row hoes’ — what used to be called inter-row hoes / cultivators.
NFFN/Farm Wildlife booklet highlights farmers enhancing ecosystems, restoring soil health, boosting profit margins, and increasing resilience to extreme weather.
How do you tackle the biggest problem facing arable farmers in the UK? This is video footage of a Groundswell 2024 session run by Agricology, borne out of a collaboration with ADAS and the Oper8 project.
A practical guide designed to help you make informed decisions and take necessary steps to protect people, nature and your business from ash dieback and other tree health issues.
A report on mini-ridgers - a highly effective weeding tool for controlling intrarow weeds through burial.
The Organic Grower Podcast is an OGA initiative which aims to be practical in focus, getting straight into the nitty-gritty of people’s growing practices and business operations.
This Organic Research Centre webinar features two farmers talking about their experiences of living mulches in arable and horticulture systems.
A practical guide for farmers and growers wanting to get ahead of weeds when establishing pasture, arable and horticultural crops.
Four short films focusing on promoting sustainable agricultural practices being used on the Waddesdon Estate and beyond.
This guide from the Nature Friendly Farming Network covers the principles and practice of Integrated Pest Management with case studies and examples of actions.
Handy practical guide to establishing perennial wildflower areas, produced as part of the BEESPOKE project.
The Toolbox is an interactive, online library of IPM resources designed for farmers and advisors and is available in multiple languages.
DiverIMPACTS case studies across Europe highlight why crop diversification strategies have been successful and what challenges needed to be overcome to achieve success.
The final report for Innovative Farmers field lab trials which aimed to determine the impacts of living mulches on cash crop yields and weed composition.
Recording of a workshop held at the Organic Growers Alliance (OGA)'s Organic Matters 2022 horticultural conference, focusing on perennial vegetables as crops that can potentially provide some solutions to the many environmental challenges growers are facing
Silvo-horticulture agroforestry has many benefits for market gardens, but needs careful planning for success. This workshop held at Organic Matters 2022 focused on how to make it work.
Final report for a project based on the premise that ancient or heritage wheats may be more suitable for organic and low-input production and better adapted to marginal environments than 'modern' high-yielding varieties.
A DiverIMPACTS practice abstract exploring the practicalities of applying the technique of biofumigation to help with pest and weed control.
Footage of a discussion held at Groundswell 2022, organised by Agricology, about the impacts of reduced nitrogen use and ways in which farmers are moving away from high input systems.
Organic vegetable farmer Andy Dibben puts forward the case for allowing complex insect ecosystems to develop or be proactively encouraged on farms, describing ways in which this can be done, drawing on his own extensive knowledge and emphasising the many benefits that can be had.
Abstract created as part of the DiverIMPACTS project outlining some of the benefits that can be attained from establishing summer cover crops on sandy soils and giving useful practical recommendations.
Practice abstract created as part of the DiverIMPACTS project outlining some of the many advantages to more complex mixtures of leguminous leys and some of the challenges and key practical considerations.
Summary highlighting outcomes of Tom Staton's PhD thesis ‘Evaluating the effects of agroforestry versus arable systems on functional biodiversity and associated ecosystem services.’
This webinar (part of the 2021 Northern Real Farming Conference and hosted by the Soil Association) explores growing a low growing permanent cover crop such as small white clover to help shade out weeds and provide fertility for the rotation.